Electronics Device and Logic Circuit Diploma In Electrical Engineering II/I Model Questions 2079/2080

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Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training{{CTEVT}}  

Office of the Controller of Examinations

Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Regular/ Back Exam-2079 Chaitra/ 2080 Baisakh

Full Marks: 80

Pass Marks: 32

Program: Diploma in Electrical & Electronics / Electrical Engg.

Year/Part: II/I (2014)

Subject: Electronics Device And Logic Circuits

Time: 3 hrs.

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.The figures in the margin indicate full marks

Attempt any FIVE questions.

1. a. Compare analog and digital signals. Explain the operation of electromagnetic relay. [4+4]

b. Convert the following: {2×4=8}

i. (101.1101)2=(?)10

ii. (749)10 to (?)BCD

iii. (345.876)10 to (?)2

iv. (AFD)16 to (?)2

3. State and prove De-Morgan's theorem. Show the universality of NAND gate. [4+4]

b. Define seven segment display decoder with truth table. [8]

4. a. Solve the following using k-map: F(A, B, C, D)=Σm(0,1,2,3,4,7,8,9) and realize the circuit using logic gates. (5+3)

b. What is multiplexer? Explain the operation of 1:4 de-multiplexer with logic diagram and truth table. (8)

4. Explain of CMOS NAND gate with necessary [8]

b. List out the basic characteristics of converter. Explain the binary weighted resistor D/A with neat figure. [2+6]

5. a. Draw and explain the operation of full adder. (8)

b. Define latches and flip-flop. Explain the operation of SR flip flop using NAND gate. (2+6)

6. Write short notes on: (any FOUR) {4×4=16}

a. Types of memory

b. Ring counter

c. Shift resister

d. Parity generator

e. Signed and unsigned binary number

              Good Luck!