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Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training{{CTEVT}} Office of the Controller of Examinations
Sanothimi, Bhaktapur
Regular/ Back Exam-2079, Bhadra/Ashwin
Full Marks: 40
Pass Marks: 16
Program: Diploma in Electrical & Electronics / Electrical Engg.
Year/Part: II/I (2014)
Subject: Computer Programming
Time: 1.5 hrs.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Attempt Any Five questions.
1. What do you mean by language translator? Explain Compiler and interpreter in brief. [2 + 6]
2. What is algorithm and flowchart? Write on algorithm and draw flowchart to find the area of rectangle. [4 + 4]
3. What is operator? Explain different types of operator used in C. [2 + 6]
4. Define the term looping. Write a simple program in C to display the following series: [2 + 6]
1 4 9 16 ................................. 100
5. Write a program in C to find the greatest number among any three numbers. [8]
6. Write short notes on: (Any Two) {4×2=8}
a) String handling functions
b) Nested loop
c) Recursive function
Good Luck!