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Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training{{CTEVT}}
Office of the Controller of Examinations
Sanothimi, Bhaktapur
Regular/ Back Exam-2079 Chaitra/ 2080 Baisakh
Full Marks: 40
Pass Marks: 16
Program: Diploma in Electrical & Electronics / Electrical Engg.
Year/Part: II/I (2014)
Subject: Computer Aided Design(AutoCAD)
Time: 1.5 hrs.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Attempt any FIVE questions.
1. a) Write down the use and advantages drawings over conventional methods of drawing of AutoCAD. (4)
b) What are the advantages of work with blocks? (4)
2. a) What are various coordinate system used in AutoCAD? (4)
b) How layers are created in AutoCAD drawings? (4)
3. a) Write short notes on Hatch command and ortho command. (4)
b) What is dimension style in AutoCAD? Explain. (4)
4. a) Write procedure for setting units and drawing limits in AutoCAD
b) Write command sequence to create a parallel copy of offset. (4)
5. a)Write down the uses of following command. (4)
i) Zoom
ii) PAN
iii) View
iv Regen
b) How view ports are created? Explain. (4)
6. Write short notes on: (Any Two) (4x2)
i) TRIM and EXTEND command
ii) ROTATE and MIRROR command
iii) SNAP and GRID command
iv) BLOCK and INSERT command
Good Luck!