Electrical & Electronics Engg. Material Diploma In Electrical Engineering II/I Model Questions 2079/2080

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Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training{{CTEVT}}  

Office of the Controller of Examinations

Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Regular/ Back Exam-2079, Bhadra/Ashwin

Full Marks: 80

Pass Marks: 32

Program: Diploma in Electrical & Electronics / Electrical Engg.

Year/Part: II/I (2013, 2014)

Subject: Electrical & Electronics Engg. Material

Time: 3 hrs.

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.The figures in the margin indicate full marks. 

Attempt Any Five questions.

1. a) Explain the application of ferrous and non-ferrous material. [8]

b) Describe the B-H characteristics of magnetic of magnetic material. [8]

2. a) Write down the electrical characteristics of non- ferrous materials. [8]

b) Explain domain structure and magnetic dipole moment. [8]

3. a) What is polarization? Differentiate between electronics polarization and ionic polarization. [8]

b) What is carbon brush? Why carbon is used as electrical material. [3+5]

4. a) What is steel? Describe the type of steel with Carbon Composition and uses. [8]

b) Explain the Formation of Electron and Holes in Semi- Conductor.

5. a) Define the concept of Doping. Compare N-type semi- Conductor with P-type Semi-Conductor. [8]

b) Define Di-electric constant. Explain di-electric Breakdown in Solid and Gas. [8]

6. Write short notes on: (Any Four)  {4×4=16}

i) Magnetic field intensity 

ii) Dielectric loss

iii) Corrosion of ferrous materials

iv) SF6 Gas

v) Eddy current loss

                Good Luck!